Shelter in Place Haiku

Alexander Melendrez
2 min readApr 11, 2020


A Rejuvenation of Human Enjoyment

Sheltering at home

Dreaming when this is over

Time to look ahead.

Sea of team colors

Disjointed conversations

*CRACK!* Unified Cheer!

Friends gather close by

Group laughing, glasses meet. *Clink!*

“Make sure to tag me”.

Door Rings. Butterflies.

Sitting across someone new?

Time to say hello.

Jogging to the beat

Passing regular faces

Just a quick high five.

Conversation stops

Back arches, deep inhale. Glee

Utensils hit plate.

Visiting nephew

Cheers “Firetruck!” Sister smiles

This is a long hug.

Simple things once more

Something to look forward to


Essential workers

Futures earned by you at home

Help flatten the curve.

Alone Together

To be in-person once more

I’ll see you again.



Alexander Melendrez

For public thoughts too long for social media. I was into haiku briefly. Some newsletter highlights. Peninsula and South Bay Organizing Manager for YIMBY Action